Flying over the North Pole

On the way back from Japan our flight went over the North Pole as the sun was coming up. At first it wasn't really clear to me what I was looking at, but after taking a few pics on high ISO & massively increasing exposure it hit me that we were flying above ice.

This was a different route that the one we took when flying to Japan. As time elapsed and we got more sun I could increasingly see better the seemingly infinite arctic surface.

Found it really impressive to see, even from 35.000 feet in the air.

  • Aerial view of a frozen landscape showing fragmented ice sheets in various shades of white and blue, spread across a cold, desolate environment.
  • A close-up of a textured ice surface showing intricate patterns of cracks and crevices, with deep blue shades highlighting the contours of the fissures.
  • A close-up view of a deep blue crevasse in a white icy surface, showcasing the intricate details and textures of the frozen landscape.
  • Aerial view of a vast, snow-covered landscape with undulating hills and valleys, bathed in a cool, soft light. Shadows define the contours of the terrain.
  • Aerial view of a vast, snow-covered polar landscape featuring rugged terrain with ice formations, crevasses, and flowing glaciers under a bright, clear sky.

Fujifilm X-S10, Fujinon XF18-55mm F2.8
Edit: Adobe Lightroom